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two moles中文是什么意思

用"two moles"造句"two moles"怎么读"two moles" in a sentence


  • 两只鼹鼠


  • Two moles of epoxy react with one mole of a-1100 .
  • Two moles of epoxy react with one mole of a - 1100
    两个克分子环氧与一个克分子a 1100反应。
  • Yet the bosses continue to push until the wall is about fall . the idea of the two moles is both striking and fresh . however , the film landed on one major problem , predictability
  • Under alkaline conditions , one mole of taed reacts with two moles of the perhydroxyl anion to form one mole of daed and two moles of peracetate anion
    在水碱性条件下, 1摩尔taed与2摩尔全氢化氧阴离子反应生成1摩尔taed和2摩尔过乙酸阴离子,过乙酸阴离子起低温漂白和抗微生物作用。
  • Under alkaline conditions , one mole of taed reacts with two moles of the perhydroxyl anion to form one mole of daed and two moles of peracetate anion . its by - product daed is non - toxic , non - sensitizing , and biodegrades into carbon dioxide , water , ammonia and nitrate
    在水碱性条件下, 1摩尔taed与2摩尔全氢化氧化物阴离子反应生成1摩尔daed和2摩尔过乙酸阴离子,过乙酸阴离子可促使漂白剂在低温下发生作用并且也可抗微生物。
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